So now that I'm home from work, and wedding planning and grocery shopping, I can finally sit down and post about the doctors appointment we…
Quick conversation with co-worker today:Bob: have you lost weight?Me: **look from bob, to bump and back to bob**Bob: No! No! No! I mean it! Your…
So today is the first day that I can say I wholeheartedly feel horrible. I may have had queasiness in the past, or just an…
And I would say I'm showing.
This is what the inside of your purse looks like.
I guess I am showing. It's not much, but it's there! I didn't think I was. And it is NOT significant enough to me to…
...when it comes to adorable little monkeys! But our monkey will love it! (Or else it's mine!)
I bought myself a gift. Something to help me feel pretty (or at least smell good). It was expensive, not something I would normally buy,…
So brian and I had a chat via texting last night (because that's how we talk during the week), and we started to discuss the…
I'm so bloated and uncomfortable today, I came home from work, had a bowl of cereal and am now laying down in bed watching netflix…
So today we saw Dr. G, and he gave us an ultrasound. Said he liked to do them at this appointment to put any fears…
A little quite on the baby posting, as there's nothing really new going on. Still plugging away at it I guess. Friday will bring a new…
I haven't stopped drinking coffee, but I've cut back. I mean I only had one cup a day to begin with, but still...leaves room for…
Today is 11 weeks - the baby is a lime, and the uterus is a grapefruit (no wonder there doesn't seem to be much room…
But I like these better. SMH. BAD DIANA!I do have a trunk full of fruit and veggies though. Does that help cancel them out?
That I actually don't feel horrible. I'm at about 90% normal, and I'll take it. I also thought of another reason to write this remind…