I just realized I forgot to upload our pictures for Father's Day. So here are just a couple of my favorites.
Author: ablogformylove_msgta5
With all of my heart and with everything I have to give. You are my life and I just wanted to say that to you…
Kahlan has been bitten by the Frozen bug. She asks to watch it all the time and has now taken to singing the songs. It…
Kahlan is currently obsessed with being a princess. I don't know where it started but I do know I have added to it. I've bought…
what's your name? Kaylin how old are you? 2 when's your birthday? Grandmas how old is your dad? 5 how old is mommy? 2 what's…
Kahlan has taken to using the words "so much" instead of saying I love you. And it is freaking adorable. I think it's because she…
So today I had one of those moments when I thought to myself, "Wow, I made that". Kahlan goes to gymnastics once a week and…
So I tried not to push it. Kahlan showed interest in the potty and we tried to go without diaper and it didn't work. She…
Like officially 2. Not just in age but in attitude. You don't listen and you have to have your way. You need your independence but…
To explain to Brian today what she was doing (while eating my sandwich out of my hand), she looked at him and explained "dada, eat…
My heart just swells some nights. Kahlan just woke up crying. I went in and rubbed her back asking what she needed. She cried back…
So when we went for Kahlans 2year checkup the one thing that she was in the grey on was her verbal skills. And a red…
A trip to the dentist today while Kahlan was in full 2yo mode made me nervous. But once inside she was the perfect patient. A…
....for these three words. Yes, I did cry. [wpvideo 2jL6cBGa]