Well it lasted almost a month before the district closed down because of too many COVID cases. I got the call while I was working a wedding. Not the best timing. And so then I’ve been worried sick waiting to see if you were exposed as they were going to call within 24-48 hours. But no phone call. Of course you have a cough so I’m still nervous. But that’s all. So maybe not. Ugh. 2020 blows.
Anywho today we began the soft start or virtual learning from home. Thursday will be the first full day. I’m so sad for you that you don’t get the normal kindergarten experience. That the friends you were just starting to make will only be online. I hope the schools can open again soon.
The silver lining is that this summer you made friends with Olivia who lives across the street I’ve already talked to her mom and we will work together to get you girls through. And also help each other if we have things we have to do as a mom. Work. Shop. Clean. Whatever. And at least get you recess together.
When will things go back to normal? I wish I could say by next school year but sadly I see no end in sight. People are just so mean and have no care for others that it just continues to spread. This will change the world for years and just as you are starting out in it. I hate this so much for you.