So today we were able to meet your teacher.

I guess I should go back and talk about school in general. So our district gave the option for online or in-person while we are still battling COVID. We thought long and hard and in the end there is no right choice. No matter what we do it sucks. This is so surreal and I just don’t know what to think. And I cry thinking about what you missed out on this summer and what you will miss out on this school year. No field trips. No assembly’s. Class parties are only the class, no parents. It’s just all so sad.
Then comes the masks I made for you, with your name on them and a baggie by the door to drop them in when you come home. I bought special cups to sew in them so you can breathe better because you have to wear a mask at school all day.
We struggled with what to do. We keep you home and you miss out on the social aspect. You miss out on what is supposed to be your first year in a school. And also I’m afraid it would damage us. You do not do well with online school and you fight me and it. Your education would suffer. Your so freaking smart and I am not a teacher so I don’t know how to nourish your education.
So we opted in-person where you run the risk of getting COVID. I hope with everything we’ve taught you and the amazing ness of your teacher that you will be safe. We also opted to me to drive and pick up so you don’t have the risk of kids on the bus. I know you want to ride the bus, but for now that’s one step to keep you safer.
Silver lining is you don’t know what you’re missing in the sense of it will be normal to you. You have never experienced school before other than preschool. But this is a new building and new teachers. So it’s all new. So you start school on Thursday.
We didn’t get to tour the school but we saw some of it when we went to safety two. Two summers ago so I know where most of the stuff is.
And in other positive news not only is your friend from preschool Mateo in your class, but your new friend from across the street Olivia. She is riding the bus and your sad you can’t ride with her, but again one more step for safety. And I’d offer to drive her (as her mom doesn’t have a car) but I don’t want to have to wait on others for us to get to and from school on time.
I can’t believe you’re going to be a kindergartner. It’s bittersweet. I’m so happy and excited you get to start this new adventure, and I get more time to myself and to work. But I’m so sad because I’m so used to you being home the majority of the day. Even when you were in preschool. Plus being on quarantine together since March. I’m going to miss you so much and cry so much that first day I drop you off. 😭