A Blog for My Daughter

Words from a Mother

  So this is what I really need to post about today. Last night sleep was horrible. It started with a few good hours on the couch, till I woke up at 2am with a pretty badly numb hand. So I went upstairs to bed – and by the time I got into bed the numbness had worn off again. Then at about 4am I woke up again with a numb hand. But this time it was so numb I actually cried from the pain and also the exhaustion. Luckily brian was home and awake and sat with me rubbing my back as I cried. He brought me an ice pack that I laid my wrist on, and surprisingly it helped me fall asleep again. Though I don’t know what time that was. I would say somewhere between 5-5:30am. I thought long and hard about coming into work late today to try to get more sleep. But my hand was numb again when I woke up, and I knew it would just piss me off more. So now I’m at work with a numb hand and ready to pass out. I pray this day goes fast, and that my dumb ass will just go home and nap instead of doing everything I want to do at home.  My sleep is much more important, it’s just remembering that in the moment.